Aragon at ETHDenver

Aragon is a proud sponsor, mentor, and bounty provider at the ETHDenver hackathon

For all of February 16--18, 2018 you can find several of Aragon team members at the ETHDenver hackathon. We're proud to be sponsoring this exciting event and are very much looking forward to seeing what people come up with there.

Check out our new hack repo for a quick guide on how to get started hacking on Aragon.

Aragon hacker website

Aragon will be running two workshops on governance at the event, participating in a panel discussion as well as mentoring and helping teams hack on products using Aragon.

*Register for notifications about the *ETHDenver Livestream here

Friday February 16th

9:45am — 10:25am Getting Started with aragonOS by Luke Duncan on the WEI Stage

7:30pm — 10:00pm Opening Ceremony, Jorge Izquierdo will present Aragon on the ETH Stage

10:50pm — 11:20pm Practical Considerations for Smart Contract Governance by Luke Duncan on the WEI Stage

Saturday February 17th

2:35pm — 3:00pm Decentralized Governance discussion panel, Luke Duncan representing Aragon on the ETH Stage

Hackathon bounties

Aragon will be judging and providing bounties for Best App or Integration and for Best Proposal.


Implement an Aragon application that enhances or replaces one of the default suite of applications (voting, vault, ACL, token manager) or provides novel functionality.


Implement an Aragon application that integrates an existing service to make it interoperable with Aragon Apps.


We believe community contributions go beyond pull requests. If you have an idea for an App or Integration but don't have the time or skills to execute — share your idea as a proposal on Github!

Aragon Team at ETHDenver

If you wish to have Aragon mentoring or helping you hack on a project, or just want to say hi, get in contact with one of the team members at the hackathon.

Jorge Izquierdo — Co-Founder & Tech Lead

Aragon Chat: @jorge

Twitter: @izqui9

Luke Duncan — Research Lead

Aragon Chat: @lkngtn

Twitter: @lkngtn

Oliver Nordberjg — Full Stack Engineer

Aragon Chat: @olivier

Twitter: @ONordbjerg

John Light — Community Lead

Aragon Chat: @light

Twitter: @lightcoin

You'll be able to recognize them from wearing these sweet Aragon apparels (and if you're nice, they might give you one!)