Introducing the Aragon Network Agreement

In January 2020, the Aragon community kicked off Phase 1 of the Aragon Network launch with the pre-activation period of Aragon Court. One month later, Phase 2 of the Aragon Network launch began with the launch of Aragon Court on the Ethereum mainnet. Since then, the Aragon Association and others in the community have been working together to iteratively improve Aragon Court and prepare for Court governance to be handed over by the current Governor Council to ANT holders in Phase 3 of the Aragon Network launch.

One of the ingredients necessary for a successful Phase 3 transition is the Aragon Network Agreement. As previously described in our post “Evolving Aragon Network governance”, the Aragon Network Agreement contains the human-interpreted rules of the Aragon Network, which will be used by Aragon Court jurors as the basis for rulings on any disputes in the Network. Through a connection with the Court using the Aragon Agreement app, the Aragon Network Agreement will allow for subjective rules to be adopted that are not possible with smart contracts alone, empowering the Network with the flexibility necessary to adequately govern Aragon Court and any other resources under control of the Network, including the content of the Agreement itself.

Today the Aragon Association is releasing the first publicly available draft of the Aragon Network Agreement.

The draft has been published on GitHub to make it easy to read and comment on. You can find the Aragon Network Agreement draft here:

Today begins a community review period lasting until August 28, 2020. During this review period ANT holders and the public at large will be able to review and comment on the Aragon Network Agreement draft. The Aragon Association will be actively reading and responding to comments during this time, and we encourage other members of the Aragon community to join the discussion as well.

After the community review period, the Aragon Association will take time to incorporate any suggested changes that we find appropriate and then prepare the Agreement for a series of precedence campaign disputes in Aragon Court. This round of precedence campaign disputes will require jurors to use guidelines from the Aragon Network Agreement to evaluate fictional proposals originating from a test version of the Aragon Network. Jurors will deliver a ruling on each dispute based on their understanding of the proposal and the Agreement that the proposals must comply with. This will give us a chance to see how the Agreement holds up in Aragon Court before we put it into production to secure the real Aragon Network. We will have more details about this next set of precedence campaign disputes shortly before the disputes are submitted to Aragon Court.

If all goes well in the precedence campaign, the Aragon Network Agreement will be finalized and put to a final vote by ANT holders. If ANT holders vote to approve the Aragon Network Agreement, this will mark the official start of Phase 3 as control of the Aragon Network is transitioned from the Governor Council to ANT holders under the newly-adopted Agreement.

We are excited to be getting closer to the long-awaited Phase 3 of the Aragon Network launch and look forward to all of the community’s feedback on the Aragon Network Agreement!

Read the Aragon Network Agreement draft before August 28th and leave your comments here.