Welcoming Joe Charlesworth as the ED of the Aragon Association

The Aragon Association is pleased to announce its newly appointed Executive Director — Joe Charlesworth. Joe takes on this role having been Head of Operations for Aragon since 2019, a position which gained him valuable insight into Aragon’s community and overarching mission.

As Joe takes on the role of Executive Director, Luis Cuende will remain on with the Aragon Association as Committee Member and Chairman. In addition to the experience and perspectives Joe brings to the role of Executive Director, Joe’s appointment will serve to further decentralize the Aragon Association.

one year and three months ago

As part of this process, the Aragon Association has also designated new Committee Members to further decentralize its governance. Joe and Jose Nuno, newly appointed Chief Legal Officer of the Association, have become Committee Members.

The Committee is now composed of both co-founders plus Joe and Jose. The Committee is also looking to expand and add new members that would bring expertise to the table.