Final details for Aragon Network Vote #1

Aragon Network Vote #1, the first vote held under the recently ratified Aragon Governance Proposal (AGP) process, is scheduled to begin on January 24, 2019 at 00:00 UTC.
Read on for instructions about how to participate in this historic vote.
After a nearly two-month long period during which anyone could write and submit their own AGP for consideration - a period that was extended by one week following an emergency vote by the Aragon Association - a total of twelve proposals were submitted before the deadline. The Aragon Association reviewed and then voted to approve nine of those proposals, which will now move on to the official ballot to be voted on by ANT holders.
What ANT holders are voting on
Here is the list of AGPs that ANT holders will be voting on:
AGP-5: Aragon Flock proposal for Aragon One
AGP-11: Aragon Association 2019 budget
AGP-14: Improve Voting Logistics
AGP-16: Extend AGP Vote Duration
AGP-18: AN Security Partner Authio
You can find a list of forum threads where each proposal is being discussed in the AGP Vote #1 Megathread on the Aragon Forum.
How to vote in Aragon Network Vote #1
All ANT holders as of January 24, 2019 at 00:00 UTC (approximately) will be eligible to vote “yes” or “no” on the AGPs above. The vote will last for 48 hours and then the results will be locked in via the Aragon Voting app.
The URL of the Voting app you will use for voting on AGP-14 and AGP-16 is:
And the URL of the Voting app you will use for voting on all of the other AGPs is:
(The reason for the different URLs is because Meta track AGPs require support greater than 66.66...6% while all other AGPs only require support greater than 50%, so different Voting apps are used.)
Note that due to a mistake in the deployment process, Vote #1 in the Meta track Voting app was deployed early and is therefore void. Please disregard and vote on Vote #2 and Vote #3 only.
Participating in the vote will not transfer any ANT from your wallet. The only funds that will be sent are the ETH used to pay gas for the vote transaction. Voting only requires interacting with the correct Voting app address; the ANT contract doesn’t need to be interacted with at all.
When the vote is proposed by the Aragon Association board at 00:00 UTC January 24th, a snapshot of ANT is automatically taken. ANT balances at that time will provide voting power for the vote.
If your ANT is stored by an exchange or an account that won’t be able to sign the vote transaction using one of the methods described below, please move your ANT before 00:00 UTC January 24th to an address that will be able to vote.
After the vote appears in the Voting app and the snapshot is taken, the ANT can be safely transferred back to your other account and you will still be able to vote with the address that had the tokens at the time the snapshot was taken.

Example of how you will be able to view how many tokens you can vote with using the Voting app
Here are instructions for the various ways that you can vote with your ANT:
Voting with keys stored in MetaMask
See section of the Aragon User Guide for instructions on voting with keys stored in MetaMask. You can also watch a video example here:
When voting using MetaMask the signer should show you the VOTE function identifier right on top of the 0 ETH amount:

Voting with keys stored in a Ledger hardware wallet
Currently the only way to vote with a Ledger wallet is by using MetaMask as the Ethereum provider. The instructions are much the same as the above instructions for “Voting with keys stored in MetaMask” except that the final signing step will be performed by confirming the transaction on your Ledger wallet.
See the instructions MetaMask has published for using Ledger with MetaMask here.
Voting with keys stored in a Trezor hardware wallet
Currently the only way to vote with a Trezor wallet is by using MetaMask as the Ethereum provider. The instructions are much the same as the above instructions for “Voting with keys stored in MetaMask” except that the final signing step will be performed by confirming the transaction on your Trezor wallet.
See the instructions MetaMask has published for using Trezor with MetaMask here.
Voting with keys stored offline (but not in a Ledger or Trezor)
If you are voting with keys that are stored offline (but not in a Ledger or Trezor), you can follow MyCrypto’s guide “How To Make An Offline Transaction” to create an offline transaction using your offline keys. You may also find the guide “How To Run MyCrypto Offline and Locally” helpful if you are unfamiliar with how to use MyCrypto offline.
If you have any trouble connecting to the default node used by the Aragon client, you can also use the raw transaction data below to cast your vote using MyCrypto with any of the supported signing options.
AGP-5: Aragon Flock proposal for Aragon One
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-11: Aragon Association 2019 budget
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-14: Improve Voting Logistics
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0xcfee4d3078f74197ce77120dbfe6d35f443cab1c
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0xcfee4d3078f74197ce77120dbfe6d35f443cab1c
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-16: Extend AGP Vote Duration
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0xcfee4d3078f74197ce77120dbfe6d35f443cab1c
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0xcfee4d3078f74197ce77120dbfe6d35f443cab1c
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-18: AN Security Partner Authio
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
What this data means (example)

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