Announcing the Aragon Association team

In my first letter to ANT holders I announced that I would be stepping up as the Executive Director of the Aragon Association.
I also detailed the mandate of the Aragon Association, and its very important role in the project now.
It’s historic times for Aragon — as Aaron, an Aragon community OG, put it:
With this release @AragonProject has delivered on its promise it made to its token holders back in 2017. I'm so proud of what this community has achieved ♥️🦅
November 21, 2019
Aragon has now delivered everything it promised on the original whitepaper and the token sale. Once Aragon Court is operating in just a couple months from now, it would have fulfilled its original commitment to ANT holders.
I’m beyond proud of what this community has achieved in just three years. Thanks to everyone who made this day possible.
But don’t mistake this for the end. We are just getting started.
We have now created tools to liberate humankind. Tools to fulfill the mission in the Aragon Manifesto. But most importantly, we have created these tools for ourselves. We need to make Aragon an unstoppable force in the world, and to achieve that, we are building Aragon itself.
The Manifesto won’t spread itself — the Aragon community needs to support it. But at the same time, Aragon needs to support its community.
Right now, Aragon is a movement embodied in a continuous allocation of capital towards spreading the Aragon Manifesto.
As such, it is extremely important that processes are in place to make sure that capital allocation is optimal.
Creating an open DAO in which anyone can come in and shape the future of Aragon has been quite an experiment.
The process has been working with minimal changes for more than a year. Even anonymous contributors have championed proposals that shaped the future of the project.
That process has also grown in complexity. There is a rampant need for the Aragon Association to perform professional due diligence, engage ANT holders, and make Aragon the first truly decentralized and autonomous organization that operates at scale.
For such an important task, we have assembled a team of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of Aragon and a clear mission: to make Aragon an unstoppable force for good in the world.
Prior to joining the Association, they have all been community members. They deeply understand Aragon, and their mission inside the Association: to make the Aragon Network decentralized and self sufficient so that the Association itself becomes irrelevant.
Team members
Burrrata — Head of Growth

Burrrata is a ball of cheese. No, not really, but they could be. They are an anonymous community member turned into Aragon Association team member.
In pure Aragon style, we don’t care about where you are from, your gender, or your ethnicity. We care about your ideas. If you desire to contribute to the Aragon dream we will support you all the way. We are building a future where this is a reality for everyone, everywhere, and as such I didn’t hesitate hiring an anonymous ball of cheese.
As Head of Growth, Burrrata will focus on making Aragon an unstoppable force in the world by helping with capital allocation, governance and community incentivization.
Aragon Chat: @burrrata
Joe Charlesworth — Head of Operations

Joe brings a wealth of financial and operational experience to the team. He started his career as chartered accountant in the banking and capital markets division at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He later joined Playfair Capital as a partner, one of the leading venture firms in London focusing on seed stage investments.
As Head of Operations, Joe will not only make sure that the Aragon Association runs as a well-greased engine, but also will assist the Network in making capital allocation decisions that allow Aragon to reach profitability.
Aragon Chat: @joecharlesworth. Twitter: @charlesworthjc
John Light — Head of Governance

John is a crypto OG and was Communications Lead at Aragon One until very recently. He architected Aragon’s governance process, AGP-1. Now, he will focus his attention and energy on Aragon’s governance. His care for ANT holders and their rights is unparalleled.
As Head of Governance, John will be constantly improving how we organize and the decisions we make as a Network, as well as making sure we properly communicate with ANT holders.
Aragon Chat: @light. Twitter: @lightcoin
Louis Giraux — Head of Community

Louis has been taking care of Aragon Nest, Aragon’s flagship grants program, for the last year. His long-term abstract thinking make him the perfect person to keep our community pure but also amicable and welcoming to newcomers. Wait to read the posts he has been writing!
As Head of Community, Louis will be focusing on keeping Aragon as a welcoming community of idealists, builders and pragmatists, and attracting and retaining even more community members.
Aragon Chat: @louisgrx. Twitter: @luigigrx
I’m beyond excited to have the chance to work with this extremely talented team. I almost cannot believe that most of this team came together in a month, and I think that’s a sign of the incredible era we are living in the project.
You will see us on the Aragon forum, chat, GitHub, Twitter, and many DAOs all across the board. Feel free to reach out, we are here to serve the Aragon community and ANT holders!
You can read more about the Aragon Association at our new website.
PS: We are hiring an Executive Assistant! Check out the opening.
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