Aragon Chat is now open

Aragon Chat is now open

Aragon starts using the open source messaging platform Rocket Chat

A couple of weeks ago we announced our migration to an open source messaging platform, Rocket Chat, together with nine other Ethereum projects. is now open!

Last friday we began by closing down most of the channels at our Slack, and we're happy to inform you that the migration to Rocket Chat is now complete.

All users and public channels have been migrated over to the new platform, so feel free to jump in and join the conversation!

To use the new Aragon Chat, you can connect directly via the web page or download one of the clients available for Rocket Chat and point it to

Using the new chat

Existing account on Slack

In order to claim your existing username and account that you had at our Slack, all you need to do is to use the Forgot your password feature and enter the email you used for signing up in Aragon's Slack. You will receive an email prompting you to set a new password and log in, it's that easy!

In order to avoid impersonations, all Slack usernames are reserved and can only be claimed by their previous owner.

Creating a new account

Registering a new account is fairly straight-forward, fill out a form, verify your email address and log in.

We've also enabled logging in using your existing Github, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. So there's no need to go through the registration in case you want to use your existing credentials from one of those services.

What's changed?

Besides Rocket Chat being a fast, reliable and secure open source messaging platform, it gives us much more freedom and control over how the communication is conducted.

It has also allowed us to disable Direct Messages from all new users. When a scammer joins the chat, they won't be able to send any DM's to other users, effectively ending the constant phishing and related notifications in our community.

Community members who actively participate in the chat or otherwise establish themselves, will gain an established user status. These established community members will have DM's enabled in the chat, as well as some other small perks.

Drop in and let us know what you think of the new chat, we're looking forward to all the interesting discussions that will take place on this new open source messaging platform, free of scam DM's.