Aragon Nest: Third round of grants

Five new teams have been awarded grants with funding from the Aragon Project.
The Nest grants program has introduced rounds one and two with the first teams. We now have five more teams that have been granted funding by the Aragon Project.
New teams awarded funding
Decentralized Design Lab | Web3 Design System

Proposal: Web3 Design System
Team: Decentralized Design Lab
Short description of the project by the team
The Web3 Design System project proposes to create open source tools to accelerate the adoption and development of the distributed web and user friendly experiences, through the following elements:
1. A Web3 Design Language
Will research and consolidate a series of guidelines and Design Principles, (similar to Google's Material Design minus the styling suggestions), focused around the specific UX needs of distributed applications. As well as producing a series of proposals to map and solve some of the open-ended design challenges of this space (ie. key management, login patterns, asynchronicity etc).
2. The Web3 Design Library
A Bootstrap like library for developers to quickly develop DApp front-ends, through simple and composable web3 specific components and UX flows, that automatically implement the Web3 Design Principles and the other UX guidelines defined by the research for the Web3 Design Language.
Both are an extension and continuation of the work started with the publication of the Web 3 Design Principles article and the discussions the community has had around the need for more UX Design in this space since after Edcon and the UX Unconference held in Toronto in May 2018.
Awarded funding in the grant
Total: $150,000
- Additionally up to $50,000 bonus paid in ANT, decided upon successful completion of deliverables
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Level K | Aragon Futarchy App

Proposal: Aragon Futarchy App
Team: Level K
Short description of the project by the team
Futarchy is an alternative and relatively untested form of governance that uses prediction markets to determine which policies will be the most beneficial for an organization. Giving Aragon DAOs access to futarchy creates a low stakes and low barriers-to-entry environment for continued testing and experimentation.
Integration With Aragon
The futarchy app will follow the patterns set by the voting app as closely as possible. Ideally, DAOs will be able to swap out voting for futarchy with minimal effort. The proposed interface for the Aragon futarchy app can be found here.
A UI will be designed and implemented to allow end users to launch new futarchy decisions, interact with markets, and gain insights on active futarchy decisions. It will consist of a screen outlining all current and past futarchy decisions, a detail screen for specific futarchy decisions, and a new futarchy decision slide out modal similar to the new vote modal.
Awarded funding in the grant
Total: $120,000
- Additionally up to $50,000 bonus paid in ANT, decided upon successful completion of deliverables
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Wetonomy | Open source human-centric DAO toolkit

Proposal: Wetonomy - Open source human-centric DAO toolkit
Team: Wetonomy
Short description of the project by the team
Wetonomy is an opinionated set of applications and templates built on top of aragonOS that streamlines the creation of DAOs, allowing teams, companies, and organizations to collaborate, share profits, finance ideas and award contributions.
It comprises of the following Aragon apps that can be used either together for a fully functional Wetonomy or separately as single apps:
- Tasks
- Time Tracking
- Members
- Token Manager App
Awarded funding in the grant
Total: $144,000
- Additionally up to $50,000 bonus paid in ANT, decided upon successful completion of deliverables
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First State Fintech Lab | Physical world and DAO interaction practices

Proposal: DAOs and the interaction with the physical world
Team: First State Fintech Lab
Short description of the project by the team
First State Lab will assist Aragon to define and implement best practices and criteria for DAOs to interact with the physical world by performing the following:
- Identify the relevant requirements in key jurisdictions for traditional organizations in which Aragon would need to meet if it were a traditional organization.
- Based on point 1, define gaps which would not apply to DAOs. Example, no FEIN exists for a DAO.
- Based on gaps identified in point 2, collaborate with regulators and subject matter experts (lawyers, tax accountants, etc.) to define best practices and criteria for DAOs to interact with the physical world.
- Assist Aragon with implementation of such best practices and criteria.
Awarded funding in the grant
Total: $100,000
- Additionally up to $50,000 bonus paid in ANT, decided upon successful completion of deliverables
Learn More
- Request for Nest membership and funding
- Roadmap & Milestones
- Proof of concept / research whitepaper (PDF)
Tennagraph | Signaling solutions

Proposal: Signaling solutions
Team: Tennagraph (formerly EthSignals)
Short description of the project by the team
Our project aims to track and aggregate information and signals from around the Ethereum ecosystem and present them to allow the community to get a clearer picture of the reality of the space.
As the Ethereum blockchain grows, so does its community. In turn, the governance of its decision-making process becomes more complicated. And yet the ability to successfully make decisions becomes ever more critical for the success of the project. Decisions can only be taken with access to high quality objective information.
Therefore the goal of this project is to provide an additional tool and source of high-quality information to help the Ethereum community self-govern.
We will be focused on mapping three key areas:
- The general state of Ethereum
- Signals of support for or against individual EIPs
- On-chain and credible third party information about individual Ethereum Based Projects
This project will be built by a small dev/product team in collaboration with the Ethereum core devs and members of the larger community.
Awarded funding in the grant
Total: $50,000 ($25,000 in ETH & $25,000 in ANT)
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