Aragon Network DAO Bug Bounty program

The Aragon Association is excited to announce the addition of the Aragon Network DAO contracts to the Aragon Network Bug Bounty program.
The bounty pool is $250k with a max of $50k per reward available to security researchers.
Not only are these contracts critical for the Aragon Network DAO, but their components, like the Agreements app, will be used by other organizations to create their own DAOs.
For the last few weeks, these contracts have been undergoing live testing on Ethereum mainnet in the ‘Aragon Network Cash’ precedence campaign.
The contracts have also been undergoing audits due to complete in early October, at such time the reports will be made available for public review.
The currently deployed contracts, repositories and details of the Aragon Network Bug Bounty program can be found below:
Deployed contracts on Etherscan:
Contracts on Github:
Scope, areas of interest, disclosure policy:
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