Final details for Aragon Network Vote #5

Aragon Network Vote #5 is scheduled to begin on December 11, 2019 at 16:00 UTC.
Read on for instructions about how to participate in the vote.
Since the previous Aragon Network vote, a total of nine proposals were submitted for review by the Aragon Association. The Aragon Association Board of Directors reviewed and then voted to approve six of those proposals, which will now move on to the ballot to be voted on by ANT holders.
What ANT holders are voting on
Here is the list of AGPs that ANT holders will be voting on in Aragon Network Vote #5:
AGP-126: Official Aragon Network DAO and ANJ addresses
AGP-129: Court Phase 2 Subscription Subsidy
AGP-130: Aragon Mesh Sponsorship
AGP-143: Fundraising Maintenance
AGP-153: Reduce the judgment powers of AGP Editors
You can find a list of forum threads where each proposal is being discussed in the Aragon Network Vote #5 Megathread on the Aragon Forum.
How to vote in Aragon Network Vote #5
All ANT holders as of December 11, 2019 at 16:00 UTC (approximately) will be eligible to vote “yes” or “no” on the AGPs above. The vote will last for 48 hours and then the results will be locked in via the Voting app when the vote ends on December 13, 2019 at 16:00 UTC.
Two different Voting apps will be used for voting on AGPs in this vote: one Voting app for Association, Finance, and Proclamation track proposals, and a different Voting app for Meta track proposals. The reason for using two Voting apps is because the Meta track requires a different support threshold for a proposal to be approved than the other tracks. You can read more about this in AGP-1.
The URL of the Voting app to use for Association, Finance, and Proclamation track proposals is:
And the URL of the Voting app to use for Meta track proposals is:
Note that as one of the oldest Aragon organizations on the Ethereum mainnet, governance.aragonproject.eth may take 3-5 minutes to load depending on how fast the nodes you're connected to are. If you experience any issue viewing the open votes for Aragon Network Vote #5, please give the app time to load.
Participating in the vote will not transfer any ANT from your wallet. The only money that will be sent is the ETH used to pay gas for each vote transaction. Voting only requires interacting with the correct Voting app address; the ANT contract doesn’t need to be interacted with at all.
When the vote is proposed by the Aragon Association board at 16:00 UTC December 11th, a snapshot of ANT is automatically taken. ANT balances at that time will provide voting power for the vote.
If your ANT is stored by an exchange or an account that won’t be able to sign the vote transaction using one of the methods described below, please move your ANT before 16:00 UTC December 11th to an address that will be able to vote.
After the vote appears in the Voting app and the snapshot is taken, the ANT can be safely transferred back to your other account and you will still be able to vote with the address that had the tokens at the time the snapshot was taken.

Example of how you will be able to view how many tokens you can vote with using the Voting app
You can find more detailed instructions for how to vote with your ANT, along with documentation about how to cryptographically verify the proposals added to the ballot, in the Aragon Wiki. It is not necessary to cryptographically verify the proposals, but having this option available helps keep the vote honest and secure.
If you run into any trouble voting, check the troubleshooting section of the Aragon User Guide, and if the Aragon client continues to not work for any reason then you can vote using the raw transaction data below.
Raw vote transaction data
If you are voting from an offline wallet using MyCrypto or another tool for signing raw transactions, you will need the raw vote transaction data below. If you have any trouble using the Aragon client, you can also use the raw transaction data below to cast your vote using MyCrypto with any of the supported signing options.
AGP-126: Official Aragon Network DAO and ANJ addresses
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-129: Court Phase 2 Subscription Subsidy
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-130: Aragon Mesh Sponsorship
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-143: Fundraising Maintenance
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
AGP-153: Reduce the judgment powers of AGP Editors
Raw transaction YES vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
Raw transaction NO vote:
To address: 0x277bfcf7c2e162cb1ac3e9ae228a3132a75f83d4
Value: 0 ETH
Gas limit: 120000
What this data means (example)

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