Final results from Aragon Network Vote #1

On January 26, 2019, Aragon Network Vote #1, the first vote held under the newly ratified Aragon Governance Proposal Process, concluded.
Twelve proposals were submitted before the deadline, and nine were approved by the Aragon Association Board of Directors to move to the final ballot for a vote by ANT holders. Between January 24th and January 26th, ANT holders cast their votes to approve or reject the proposals on the ballot.
Here are the final results from Aragon Network Vote #1.
AGP-5: Aragon Flock proposal for Aragon One
AGP-10: Community Funding DAO
AGP-11: Aragon Association 2019 budget
AGP-12: Aragon holiday
AGP-14: Improve Voting Logistics
AGP-17: Nest 2019 Budget
AGP-18: AN Security Partner Authio
AGP-19: Autark Flock Funding
AGP-16: Extend AGP Vote Duration
Additionally, the AGPs that made the submission deadline but did not make it onto the final ballot because they were not approved by the Aragon Association Board of Directors were:
AGP-7: Flock Funding: Aragon DAC
Rejected for a lack of full-time leadership and of full-time senior engineering talent.
AGP-8: Migrating off Alphabet Inc. services
To reduce cognitive load on the first AGP-vote, this proposal was deemed non-urgent and is to be reconsidered for the next ballot.
AGP-9: The Separation of Church, State, and Network
To reduce cognitive load on the first AGP-vote, this proposal was deemed non-urgent and is to be reconsidered for the next ballot.
Verifying the vote
You can double-check the results of this vote yourself in the governance.aragonproject.eth organization on Aragon.
Association, Finance, and Proclamation track proposals:
Meta track proposals:
Feedback welcome
In the spirit of data-driven improvement, we invite all members of the Aragon community, both voters and non-voters alike, to fill out a brief, five-question survey and give us feedback that will help us improve future Aragon Network votes. Anonymous results from the survey will be made public for the benefit of everyone interested.
Survey link:
Preparing for the next Aragon Network Vote
With the first Aragon Network vote behind us, it’s now time to start preparing for the next vote. The date of Aragon Network Vote #2 is scheduled to start April 25, 2019 at 16:00 UTC, and the deadline for finalizing AGP drafts before the Aragon Association review is April 11, 2019 at 16:00 UTC. This gives Aragon community members about two and a half months to prepare AGPs before the next vote. Follow our communication channels for updates about AGP vote scheduling and proposal deadlines in case there are any emergency changes.
For complete details about how to make a proposal using the AGP process, please review AGP-1, which defines the official process end to end. You can ask any questions you have about the Aragon governance process on the Aragon forum or Aragon Chat. And if you have an idea for an AGP that fits into one of the tracks defined in AGP-1, you are invited to start an Aragon forum thread in the Community category using the AGP tag so that Aragon community members can give you feedback about your proposal.
Congratulations and thanks
Congratulations to the authors of the proposals approved in this vote, and thank you to everyone who participated in the Aragon Governance Proposal process, including AGP authors, reviewers, editors, and voters! We appreciate everyone’s participation and look forward to seeing what the future holds for the next Aragon Network Vote.
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