Introducing Aragon One

The first company contributing to Aragon’s development
Since we released the first version of the Aragon whitepaper, we knew that it was important to split the non-profit entity overseeing the project from the actual companies or teams working on its development.
For more context, I published two blog posts about why it makes sense to decentralize Aragon’s development, and the steps forward for the non-profit entity along with the Aragon Manifesto.
Today, we are announcing the next step. We are announcing Aragon One.

Aragon One is a for-profit company that encompasses the foundational team working on the Aragon project. The company is currently established in Switzerland, although we want it to function as a DAO as much as possible.
Funding for the company will come in a form of a grant given by the project’s non-profit entity, in similar terms to the ones that the entity will provide to future teams that will be working on the project as well.
Our business model is simple. We will work on the Aragon project and the Aragon Network, and hodl ANT. If the financial incentives are set the right way and our contributions are meaningful, we will make profit.
In the short term, no significant changes are to be expected in how Aragon operates. All team members previously employed by the non-profit will continue working as before and be employed by Aragon One.

Today, I am voluntarily resigning as Project Lead of Aragon. Although Jorge and I are both board members of the non-profit entity that will continue supporting the Aragon project, the movement and the upcoming Network, there will be no _lead _personas. This is hard for me, as it is letting my small eaglet fly on its own. It’s a bittersweet feeling. But I’m convinced that it’s for the good of the project.
We want to continue decentralizing the governance of the project, by implementing signaling methods (more on this soon) and reducing the non-profit entity to its minimum.
By announcing Aragon One, I am very happy to complete another key milestone in the journey of making Aragon a movement.
Thanks for reading,
Luis Cuende
CEO of Aragon One