Releasing Aragon Alpha 🚀

One month ago, we introduced our vision of how companies and organizations will work. And we set to make it a reality.
Today, I want to personally thank all the community for the warmest welcome we could have ever dreamed of for Aragon.
Some numbers:
- More than 130 Aragon organizations deployed on the multiple testnets
- More than 330 community members in our Slack
- More than 7,300 minutes read in our Medium posts
- More than 13,000 unique visitors in our landing page
A couple weeks ago, we started getting a very early version of Aragon in the hands of some community members. They reported bugs and suggested enhancements — thanks everyone who helped!
And after a lot of work, we are comfortable and proud with the current state of the product. Proud enough to make it public.
So, today, we are releasing Aragon Alpha to the world. It comes as a desktop app for macOS, Linux and Windows, and runs on the Kovan Ethereum testnet.
Go ahead and download it, let us know what do you think of it by joining our community!
Luis & Jorge
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