Aragon 0.6 is live on Mainnet

Decentralized organizations just got real.
We released Aragon 0.5 seven months ago. Since then, more than 2,500 organizations have been created with it. Counting all Aragon versions, the total number of Aragon organizations now adds up to 15,000+.
That's more than the number of businesses created yearly in Austria, Malta and Luxembourg combined. Decentralized organizations are here to stay.
Yet all those organizations were running on Ethereum testnets, with no real world implications. Today, that changes. Today, decentralized organizations get real.
Using Aragon 0.6, named Alba, you can now create Aragon organizations on the Ethereum Mainnet. This is a new era for human collaboration. New kinds of organizations that we haven't even dreamed of before can be now created.
Taking security seriously
Smart contracts have undergone several audits to be ready for prime time. aragonOS, the framework powering all Aragon organizations, is now on version 4.
In fact, Aragon organizations have been running on Mainnet for the last six months. DAppNode has been using aragonPM, a decentralized organization itself, on a daily basis. Our own Survey app has been on Mainnet for months as well.
During this time, no major bugs have been discovered. Yet security is paramount to us. This is why we are now running a bug bounty on Mainnet.
Simple, yet powerful apps
Token Manager, Voting, and Finance are the basic building blocks of a decentralized organization.
Token Manager enables membership and ownership of the organization.
Voting enables participation and collaborative decision-making.
Finance enables the organization to own assets. Since all transactions are transparent, it brings seamless accountability as well.
We have upgraded all apps to provide a better and faster user experience.
And now, thanks to permissions, a new universe of possibilities unleash.
The most flexible organizations ever
Permissions are a dynamic and powerful way to customize your organization.
Permissions manage who can access resources on your organization, and how.
For example, you can create organizations in which:
- Funds can be withdrawn only after a vote
- Votes can be only created by a board of experts, while allowing anyone in the organization to cast votes
- Peers can vote to create tokens to add new members
Possibilities are endless. Any governance process you can think of can now be implemented.
Thanks to Permissions, customizing your organization is as easy as it gets.
Voting has never been easier
We have also rebuilt the voting interface from the ground up.
Its card-based interface lets you see all the votes happening at a glance. You can now engage with your community like never before.
aragonOS 4
Aragon 0.6 features aragonOS 4, the upcoming release of the most advanced framework for smart contract development. aragonOS 4 makes interacting with Aragon organizations even more secure and stable.
Stay tuned for a technical blog post about aragonOS 4 in the coming weeks.
Security disclosure
We recommend not placing large amounts of funds in Aragon 0.6 organizations at this point. We are comfortable releasing this version to the public on Mainnet.
But there could still be unforeseen situations where user funds could be at risk. Bug bounties are live and audits are being finalized. After all, this is bleeding-edge technology.
Create your decentralized organization now!
PS. We also have a new website live at ;)
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