Aragon Q2 2018 Transparency Report

A recap of what has been going on with Aragon during Q2 2018

As per our Transparency Model, we do quarterly Transparency Reports of our use of funds and about the overall progress of the project.

Transparency Framework

This is our main transparency tool which shows our use of funds with human readable descriptions attached to each transaction.

Salaries and expenses in Q2:

These include expenses such as salaries, travel expenses and annual bonuses.

635.88 ETH, equivalent of ~$236,365

11,321.53 ANT, equivalent of ~$36,160

Payments to service providers in Q2:

Total of ~$212,807

These include business expenses, payments to accountants and lawyers. Included are also things like work equipment to team members, new laptops, office equipment, etc., which are essential for us to work effectively since we're a fully distributed team, each working from a different location.

Sponsoring and event tickets in Q2:

Total of ~$123,615

We were proud sponsors and supporters of some awesome events in the Ethereum and crypto space.

Aragon is one of the signers of the #EIP0 statement to support #Ethereum governance initiatives.

We hope to see such initiatives stimulate the community to come together, #buidl and legitimize governance solutions for a brighter future!

May 9, 2018
  • Participated as a sponsor and presented at EDCON.

Watch the From Zero to a Community-driven DAO in 15 minutes presentation by Luis Cuende

Watch the Keynote presentation Experimenting with Governance at the Speed of Software by Luis Cuende

Watch the Creating a Democratic Decentralized Blockchain Organization in 10 minutes presentation by Luis Cuende

Bounties in Q2:

We allocated this sum for Aragon bounties in Q2, necessarily not all of these have been claimed or paid out yet, and some may still be active from before.

250 ANT, equivalent of ~$882

You can find our active bounties for example at

Code audit

In Q1 there were expenses paid for a code audit and now the results of that audit are available at

Another audit is currently underway and a total of 445.27 ETH and 12,800.37 ANT, equivalent of ~$231,295 was spent on audits.

Aragon Nest grants program in Q2:

Four new teams have been awarded grants with funding from the Aragon Project

There is currently 9 teams that are being funded by the Aragon Nest grants program.
Find out more in the Nest GitHub repository.

~462 ETH, equivalent of ~$239,500

We're super happy to be introducing four new teams funded by the Aragon Nest grants program!

Awesome teams that #buidl on #Ethereum: @zklabs on scalable voting, @Givethio on their DApp, a datastore by Espresso Team and infrastructure by @DAppNode!

August 17, 2018


We have a repository in our Github for Aragon Governance Proposals where team members and community members can start new governance proposals for the project.

Opened (and still open):

AGP15: How should the surveys be sorted by default?

AGP 18: The Merit System -a proposal


AGP11: How should the following features be prioritized?

AGP12: What type of grants would you like to see Aragon Nest fund in the future?

AGP13: Do your values align with those described in the Aragon Manifesto?

AGP14: Do you support EIP999?

AGP 16: How should the apps be sorted in the upcoming App center?

AGP 17: How quickly should we prioritize adding privacy features to Aragon products?


You can find more details about the development progress in our Aragon Q2 Development Update blog post.

Our developers have hard at work and here's a recap of the progress of development from the second quarter of 2018.

Earlier we told that first round of audits was underway and today we are also publishing the results of that audit!

August 15, 2018

New Aragon team funded

We started the Decentralizing Aragon's Development earlier (Read Part I, Part II and Part III) and introduced the first company contributing to Aragon's development, Aragon One.

Aragon DAC, a new community effort to foster Aragon's development led by Giveth

In Q2 the second team to work on the Aragon Project led by Giveth, called Aragon DAC was funded and announced.

The @AragonProject and @Givethio are proud to announce the launch of Aragon DAC, a Decentralized Altruistic Community on the Giveth platform that will be the second team with @AragonOneTeam building out core Aragon infrastructure for the end users

August 9, 2018

Token Buybacks

No token buybacks took place in Q2 2018.

Thanks to Alexa Weaver for helping with this post.