Everything You Need To Know About AraCon

The countdown is on! With just three days left before registration closes and less than two weeks until the event kicks off, AraCon is officially right around the corner.

This post has two purposes. For those of you who have registered already, think of this as your guide to getting excited. It's got all the info you need to start prepping your trip and figuring out how to make the most of your time in Berlin. For those of you who are still on the fence, however, consider this our final appeal to your good sense to join us for what is shaping up to be an amazing event.

The Content

First, the content. There's no doubt that one of the major attractions for AraCon is the world-class group of speakers coming together around some of the most interesting and relevant topics facing our industry.

The event is organized around four themes:

  • DAOs & Emergent Forms Of Organization
  • The Opportunity and Challenge of Decentralized Governance
  • Ethereum & the Decentralized Web
  • Aragon Community, Technology & Opportunity.

You can read about why these themes matter and get a feel for the type of content going into them in our blog post where we announced our full agenda.

Speaking of our agenda, to just cut to the chase and see the full two days of content, head on over to our website now. All four themes are woven throughout both days, so there will be no shortage of opportunities to focus on the discussions most interesting to you.

These themes, of course, would be nothing without the contributions of our incredible slate of speakers. We're lucky to have more than 50 speakers, representing a vast cross-section of our industry. We've strived to bring together a diversity of perspectives - which means not everyone will agree - along with both well-known names as well as builders and researchers who you don't know yet, but should.


Okay, you're excited about the speakers, topics, and themes. But what about the event itself. How is it going to feel?

Welcome to the Bolle Festäle

Berlin is one of the most creative and dynamic cities not only in crypto but in the world, renowned for its art scene, startup community and nightlife. The Bolle Festsäle is one of Berlin's most exciting venues. Built as a factory chapel and ballroom in 1890, dedicated in 1893 by German Empress Augusta Victoria, and renovated in 2013/2014, the place is both historical and modern and will set the perfect mood for an exploration of how we evolve organizations and ideas from the industrial and information eras into the new decentralized age. What's more, located in the Moabit area in the heart of the city, it is easily accessible by car or metro from the city or Tegel airport.

The picturesque Ameron Berlin Abion

For those who want to stay nearby and maximize your AraCon experience, we've organized a special rate with the AMERON Berlin ABION Hotel, located just meters away and affording guests with a direct view of the River Spree. Learn more on our website or follow this link to book with a discount.

Satellite Events

AraCon wouldn't be a real tech/crypto event without a set of awesome side events to keep you entertained and to create space for even deeper connections with your fellow attendees. For those who want to come early or extend their trip, there are some fantastic options.

DGOV Community Council | Jan 27-28 all day

Those arriving in Berlin early can join DGOV for two days of co-creative open sessions around designing human-centric, horizontal approaches to governance and the management of shared resources.

Learn more and register.

Crypto-UBI Roundtable: Synergies, Differences and Philosophies of Money | Jan 28 17:45-21:00
Join the local Berlin Basic Income community for discussions about different UBI models, including comparisons to government-run programs, examining overlaps and differences between the projects represented, and even questioning the nature of money itself.

Learn more and register.

Cambrial: Investing in Governance | Jan 28 18:00-21:30

If you're interested in the question of how crypto asset investors can and should participate in governance, we highly recommend you request an invite to join in this session.

Token Engineering Meetup | Jan 28 19:00-21:00
Organized by our friends at Token Engineering Berlin, this meetup will be a great chance to connect with other folks interested in turning tokenization into a true engineering discipline.


Parity & Friends January Meetup | Jan 29 19:00

Come down from the first day of AraCon in style at the Parity & Friends meetup, with guest speakers as well as an open mic.


Witnet x AraCon Afterparty | Jan 30 19:00-22:00

Celebrate the end of the first ever AraCon at our official afterparty with drinks and music, hosted by Witnet.

RSVP for this one in advance.

GörliCon | Jan 31 10:00-20:00
GörliCon is the ETHBerlin Alumni conference and will feature both tech, and non-tech tracks focused on Ethereum projects.

RSVP now.

Wrapping up

We hope you're looking forward to AraCon as much as we are. If you haven't yet, you have a few days left to register here. And of course, if any questions come up as you're planning, please feel free to reach out through this form or by emailing info at aracon dot one.

See you in Berlin!