Nest: That Planning Suite Q3 Update

One of the major elements that was remaining last quarter was the final integration between the back-end and the front-end and we are happy to report that we have completed that this quarter.
In Q3, we've completed all of the core functionality in Milestone 1. It's been really exciting to finally see the envisioned functionality take form, and getting the unique approaches we're taking to the forwarder actually work was a highlight from this quarter.
One of the challenges we faced is that our team includes a lot of people working for the first time together, in various time zones, and shifting availability. Due to this we have come up with new processes for our development so things can move more smoothly.
Another challenge is that we decided to upgrade to new versions of the cli and new versions of aragonOS near the end of the quarter, and ended up running into a few issues related to package dependencies like babel that many other teams were facing, in addition to having to restructure some of our code to be in sync with the upgrades.
A lot of effort also went into getting more of our team comfortable with aragon.js and Solidity so in the future we'll have more flexibility when it comes to who is working on what.
Now that the snafus from Milestone 1 have been resolved, we feel more confident that we can complete Milestone 2 and 3 in the next three months. This includes:
- Projects App (Smart contracts integration + finish remaining UI work)
- Address Book App
- Allocations App v2 (Enhanced to support Dynamic Payout allocation type)
- Rewards App
- Consensus App (Front-end)
- Enhanced kit to deploy five apps (Projects, Range Voting, Allocations, Rewards, Address Book)
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